About College Success Division

The College Success Programs (CSP) is a division within Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation. It offers comprehensive programming for participants and community members, with a primary goal to support residents within Cypress Hills and East New York towards completion of a college credential within 6 years of high school graduation. Services offered within the CSP division include:
Community Schools:
A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, services, supports, and opportunities leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.
At the Franklin K. Lane Campus, we have three Community Schools: Brooklyn Lab School, Cypress Hills Collegiate Preparatory High School, and Multicultural High School.
Student Sucess Centers:
The CSP division currently runs two Student Success Centers (SSCs), one each on the Franklin K. Lane and Thomas Jefferson campuses. Each SSC is a centralized postsecondary office of the campus, and provides early college awareness, college access counseling, financial aid advisement, and career exploration. A key component of each SSC are the Youth Leaders, current high school students trained to serve as peer counselors and educators around college access.
College STEPS Program & Persistence
The CSP division currently runs two Student Success Centers (SSCs), one each on the Franklin K. Lane and Thomas Jefferson campuses. Each SSC is a centralized postsecondary office of the campus, and provides early college awareness, college access counseling, financial aid advisement, and career exploration. A key component of each SSC are the Youth Leaders, current high school students trained to serve as peer counselors and educators around college access.